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Halloween Is the Scary Season, But Don’t Be Afraid of Your Dentist

October 13, 2023

Dentist smiles

The Halloween season is that one time of year when we celebrate all things scary, creepy, spooky, and crazy. You might want to visit a haunted house or enjoy a marathon of horror movies to get into the spirit, but there’s no reason to be afraid of going to the dentist. Nearly one in five people have dental anxiety, but these fears are unfounded. Here are a few reasons why you should feel completely at ease when you go to the dentist, and a few tips on making the experience more enjoyable.

Your Dentist Cares About Your Well-Being

Most dentists chose their profession because they want to help other people live healthier, happier lives. Dental exams, cleanings, and treatments prevent or address all sorts of oral health problems that can cause every degree of pain and discomfort. There is literally nothing your dentist will do that is anywhere near as bad as suffering through untreated tooth decay or gum disease. Having clean, healthy teeth will also help you meet the world with a beautiful smile that you can be proud of.

Modern Dentistry Is Painless

Cartoons and other media have given dentists a bad reputation for generations. The good news is that local anesthetics and other treatments have made modern dentistry a completely painless affair. Fillings, dental crowns, root canals, and many other treatments involve no pain during the procedure and maybe some mild discomfort for a few days afterward. There has never been a more pleasant time in the history of the world to make sure your teeth are healthy and looking their best.

Some Tips for Staying Comfortable

If you haven’t seen the dentist for a while, your cleaning might be slightly uncomfortable because your teeth aren’t used to being so thoroughly cleaned. Taking an over-the-counter pain management medication before your appointment can help the process go more smoothly. If being in the dentist’s office gives you anxiety, bringing a book or a set of headphones can provide you with a distraction while you wait.

Your dentist is a medical professional with the training and expertise to keep your teeth healthy and strong. If you attend regular dental appointments and practice excellent oral hygiene, your smile can last you for a lifetime.

About the Author

Dr. Teresa Knott earned her dental degree at the University of Texas Health Science Center in San Antonio in 2003 and opened Town Center Dental in Garland, TX in 2006. She is a member of the Texas Dental Study Club and has attended classes offered by Spear Education. Her office offers general, restorative, cosmetic, and emergency dentistry. To schedule an appointment, contact the office online or dial (972) 530-5200.